Time discretization of nonlinear Cauchy problems applying to mixed hyperbolic-parabolic equations.
In this paper we prove existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence for a one-dimensional time-dependent problem related to a thermo-mechanical model of structural phase transitions in solids. This model assumes the free energy depending on temperature, macroscopic deformation and also on the proportions of the phases. Here we neglect regularizing terms in the momentum balance equation and in the constitutive laws for the phase proportions.
Vengono trattati due problemi di Stefan con la specificazione dell'energia. Dapprima si fornisce una formulazione debole di un problema unidimensionale ad una fase studiato in [4]: si dimostra un risultato di esistenza. In seguito si considera un problema di Stefan pluridimensionale e multifase in cui viene assegnata l'energia totale del sistema ad ogni istante; si mostra l’esistenza e l’unicità della soluzione per due formulazioni provando inoltre l’equivalenza fra queste.
Vengono trattati due problemi di Stefan con la specificazione dell'energia. Dapprima si fornisce una formulazione debole di un problema unidimensionale ad una fase studiato in [4]: si dimostra un risultato di esistenza. In seguito si considera un problema di Stefan pluridimensionale e multifase in cui viene assegnata l'energia totale del sistema ad ogni istante; si mostra l’esistenza e l’unicità della soluzione per due formulazioni provando inoltre l’equivalenza fra queste.
An existence result is proved for a nonlinear diffusion problem of phase-field type, consisting of a parabolic system of two partial differential equations, complemented by Neumann homogeneous boundary conditions and initial conditions. This system is meant to model two-species phase segregation on an atomic lattice under the presence of diffusion. A similar system has been recently introduced and analyzed in [3]. Both systems conform to the general theory developed in [5]: two parabolic PDEs, interpreted...
The paper is devoted to the analysis of an abstract evolution inclusion with a non-invertible operator, motivated by problems arising in nonlocal phase separation modeling. Existence, uniqueness, and long-time behaviour of the solution to the related Cauchy problem are discussed in detail.
In this paper we propose a time discretization of a system of two parabolic equations describing diffusion-driven atom rearrangement in crystalline matter. The equations express the balances of microforces and microenergy; the two phase fields are the order parameter and the chemical potential. The initial and boundary-value problem for the evolutionary system is known to be well posed. Convergence of the discrete scheme to the solution of the continuous problem is proved by a careful development...
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