Upper bounds on the solution of coupled algebraic Riccati equation.
This paper is about optimal control of infinite-horizon nonstationary stochastic linear processes with a quadratic cost criterion. The synthesis problem of optimal control is solved under the assumptions that the criterion is an average expected cost and that the process' matrices possess limits for the time approaching infinity. Furthermore, the limit matrices are such that the "limit" process is both observable and controllable. The paper documents existence of an optimal feedback control policy....
In recent, years, several bounds of eigenvalues, norms and determinants for solutions of the continuous and discrete Riccati equations have been separately investigated. In this paper, an upper bound for the solution of the unified algebraic Riccati equations is presented. In the limit case, the result is reduced to a new upper bound for t he solution of discrete and continuous Riccati equation.
An adaptive control problem for linear, continuous time stochastic system is described and solved in this paper. The unknown parameters in the model appear affinely in the drift term of the stochastic differential equation. The parameter estimates given by the maximum likelihood method are used to define the feedback gain. It is proved that the parameter estimates are strongly consistent and the cost functional reaches its minimum, i.e. the adaptive control is optimal. In this paper the continuity...
The adaptive version of the discrete time-varying linear quadratic control is considered under the assumption that the coefficients have limits as time tends to infinity sufficiently fast in certain sense and the limiting system is observable and stabilizable. It is proved that time invariant LS estimator can be used to estimate the limits of the coefficients and that it is strongly consistent under some conditions well known from the time invariant case. The estimator of the parameters is used...
We prove that there exist infinitely may values of the real parameter α for which the exact value of the spectral subradius of the set of two matrices (one matrix with ones above and on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere, and one matrix with α below and on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere, both matrices having two rows and two columns) cannot be calculated in a finite number of steps. Our proof uses only elementary facts from the theory of formal languages and from linear algebra, but it is not constructive...
In this paper we show new formulas for the spectral radius and the spectral subradius of a set of matrices. The advantage of our results is that we express the spectral radius of any set of matrices by the spectral radius of a set of symmetric positive definite matrices. In particular, in one of our formulas the spectral radius is expressed by singular eigenvalues of matrices, whereas in the existing results it is expressed by eigenvalues.
In this paper the adaptive control problem for a continuous infinite time-varying stochastic control system with jumps in parameters and quadratic cost is investigated. It is assumed that the unknown coefficients of the system have limits as time tends to infinity and the boundary system is absolutely observable and stabilizable. Under these assumptions it is shown that the optimal value of the quadratic cost can be reached based only on the values of these limits, which, in turn, can be estimated...
In the present paper optimal time-invariant state feedback controllers are designed for a class of discrete time-varying control systems with Markov jumping parameter and quadratic performance index. We assume that the coefficients have limits as time tends to infinity and the boundary system is absolutely observable and stabilizable. Moreover, following the same line of reasoning, an adaptive controller is proposed in the case when system parameters are unknown but their strongly consistent estimators...
The continuity of the solutions of difference and algebraic coupled Riccati equations for the discrete-time Markovian jump linear quadratic control problem as a function of coefficients is verified. The line of reasoning goes through the use of the minimum property formulated analogously to the one for coupled continuous Riccati equations presented by Wonham and a set of comparison theorems.
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