Fibrati vettoriali su varietà di Fano.
The Tango bundle is defined as the pull-back of the Cayley bundle over a smooth quadric in via a map existing only in characteristic 2 and factorizing the Frobenius . The cohomology of is computed in terms of , , and , which we handle with Borel-Bott-Weil theorem.
In the first part of the paper we complete the classification of the arithmetical Cohen-Macaulay vector bundles of rank 2 on a smooth prime Fano threefold. In the second part, we study some moduli spaces of these vector bundles, using the decomposition of the derived category of provided by Kuznetsov, when the genus of is 7 or 9. This allows to prove that such moduli spaces are birational to Brill-Noether varieties of vector bundles on a smooth projective curve . When the second Chern class...
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