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The Evolving Digital Mathematics Network

Ruddy, David — 2009

Towards a Digital Mathematics Library. Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada, July 8-9th, 2009

The grand vision of a Digital Mathematics Library (DML), coordinated by a group of institutions that establish polices and practices regarding digitization, management, access, and preservation, has not come to pass. The project encountered two related problems: it was overly ambitious, and the approach to realizing it confused local and community responsibilities. While the vision called for a network of distributed, interoperable repositories, we approached and planned the project as if we were...

Developing a Metadata Exchange Format for Mathematical Literature

Ruddy, David — 2010

Towards a Digital Mathematics Library. Paris, France, July 7-8th, 2010

This paper describes an effort to develop a metadata element set for the exchange of descriptive metadata about mathematical literature. The approach taken uses the Dublin Core Application Profile (DCAP) framework, based on the DC Abstract Model. A fully developed DCAP for mathematical literature would be valuable, as both a guide and constraint in the creation of metadata records suitable for harvesting via OAI or sharing through other means. Adhering to the DCAP model would also enhance global...

A general theory of polyhedral sets and the corresponding T-complexes

David W. Jones — 1988

PrefaceThis paper is essentially David Jones' 1984 University of Wales Ph. D. Thesis, "Poly-T-complexes". It is published concurrently with Asley, 1988.The main aim is to find a setting for the most general kinds of geometrically defined compositions. Thus it comes under the slogan: "Find an algebraic inverse to subdivision". In the background is the Generalised Van Kampen Theorem, whose proof uses in an essential way general compositions of cubes. An even older background is the idea in topology...

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