Some results on reducibilty for unitary groups and local Asai L-functions. David Goldberg — 1994 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Reducibility of generalized principal series representations of U ( 2 , 2 ) via base change David Goldberg — 1993 Compositio Mathematica
Some results on the admissible representations of non-connected reductive p -adic groups David Goldberg; Rebecca Herb — 1997 Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
Higher degree Galois covers of ℂℙ 1 × T . Amram, Meirav; Goldberg, David — 2004 Algebraic & Geometric Topology
The fundamental group of a Galois cover of ℂ ℙ 1 × T . Amram, Meirav; Goldberg, David; Teicher, Mina; Vishne, Uzi — 2002 Algebraic & Geometric Topology