Reflection principle in higher dimensions.
Strong pathologies with respect to growth properties can occur for the extension of holomorphic functions from submanifolds of pseudoconvex domains to all of even in quite simple situations; The spaces are, in general, not at all preserved. Also the image of the Hilbert space under the restriction to can have a very strange structure.
Let be a bounded pseudoconvex domain that admits a Hölder continuous plurisubharmonic exhaustion function. Let its pluricomplex Green function be denoted by . In this article we give for a compact subset a quantitative upper bound for the supremum in terms of the boundary distance of and . This enables us to prove that, on a smooth bounded regular domain (in the sense of Diederich-Fornaess), the Bergman differential metric tends to infinity, for , when tends to a boundary point....
Let be a closed real-analytic subset and put This article deals with the question of the structure of . In the main result a natural proof is given for the fact, that always is closed. As a main tool an interesting relation between complex analytic subsets of of positive dimension and the Segre varieties of is proved and exploited.
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