M-structure in tensor products of Banach spaces.
We show for and subspaces of quotients of with a -unconditional finite-dimensional Schauder decomposition that is an -ideal in .
We investigate rich subspaces of L₁ and deduce an interpolation property of Sidon sets. We also present examples of rich separable subspaces of nonseparable Banach spaces and we study the Daugavet property of tensor products.
We consider a general concept of Daugavet property with respect to a norming subspace. This concept covers both the usual Daugavet property and its weak* analogue. We introduce and study analogues of narrow operators and rich subspaces in this general setting and apply the results to show that a quotient of L₁[0,1] by an ℓ₁-subspace need not have the Daugavet property. The latter answers in the negative a question posed to us by A. Pełczyński.
Let X be a Banach space. We introduce a formal approach which seems to be useful in the study of those properties of operators on X which depend only on the norms of the images of elements. This approach is applied to the Daugavet equation for norms of operators; in particular we develop a general theory of narrow operators and rich subspaces of spaces X with the Daugavet property previously studied in the context of the classical spaces C(K) and L₁(μ).
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