Answering a 1982 question of Sidney A. Morris, we construct a topological group G and a subspace X such that (i) G is algebraically free over X, (ii) G is relatively free over X, that is, every continuous mapping from X to G extends to a unique continuous endomorphism of G, and (iii) G is not a varietal free topological group on X in any variety of topological groups.
We prove that every nonmetrizable compact connected Abelian group G has a family H of size |G|, the maximal size possible, consisting of proper dense pseudocompact subgroups of G such that H ∩ H'={0} for distinct H,H' ∈ H. An easy example shows that connectedness of G is essential in the above result. In the general case we establish that every nonmetrizable compact Abelian group G has a family H of size |G| consisting of proper dense pseudocompact subgroups of G such that each intersection H H'...
Topologies τ₁ and τ₂ on a set X are called T₁-complementary if τ₁ ∩ τ₂ = X∖F: F ⊆ X is finite ∪ ∅ and τ₁∪τ₂ is a subbase for the discrete topology on X. Topological spaces and are called T₁-complementary provided that there exists a bijection f: X → Y such that and are T₁-complementary topologies on X. We provide an example of a compact Hausdorff space of size which is T₁-complementary to itself ( denotes the cardinality of the continuum). We prove that the existence of a compact Hausdorff...
According to Comfort, Raczkowski and Trigos-Arrieta, a dense subgroup D of a compact abelian group G determines G if the restriction homomorphism Ĝ → D̂ of the dual groups is a topological isomorphism. We introduce four conditions on D that are necessary for it to determine G and we resolve the following question: If one of these conditions holds for every dense (or -dense) subgroup D of G, must G be metrizable? In particular, we prove (in ZFC) that a compact abelian group determined by all its...
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