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Automorphism group of representation ring of the weak Hopf algebra H 8 ˜

Dong SuShilin Yang — 2018

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let H 8 be the unique noncommutative and noncocommutative eight dimensional semi-simple Hopf algebra. We first construct a weak Hopf algebra H 8 ˜ based on H 8 , then we investigate the structure of the representation ring of H 8 ˜ . Finally, we prove that the automorphism group of r ( H 8 ˜ ) is just isomorphic to D 6 , where D 6 is the dihedral group with order 12.

Automorphism group of green algebra of weak Hopf algebra corresponding to Sweedler Hopf algebra

Liufeng CaoDong SuHua Yao — 2023

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let r ( 𝔴 2 0 ) be the Green ring of the weak Hopf algebra 𝔴 2 0 corresponding to Sweedler’s 4-dimensional Hopf algebra H 2 , and let Aut ( R ( 𝔴 2 0 ) ) be the automorphism group of the Green algebra R ( 𝔴 2 0 ) = r ( 𝔴 2 0 ) . We show that the quotient group Aut ( R ( 𝔴 2 0 ) ) / C 2 S 3 , where C 2 contains the identity map and is isomorphic to the infinite group ( * , × ) and S 3 is the symmetric group of order 6.

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