Simultaneously reflective and coreflective subcategories of presheaves.
For every module M we have a natural monomorphism and we focus attention on the case when Φ is also an epimorphism. The corresponding modules M depend on thickness of the cardinal number card(I). Some other limits are also considered.
Commutative semigroups satisfying the equation and having only two -invariant congruences for an automorphism group are considered. Some classes of these semigroups are characterized and some other examples are constructed.
If is a prime ring such that is not completely reducible and the additive group is not complete, then is slender.
Left distributive quasitrivial groupoids are completely described and those of them which are subdirectly irreducible are found. There are also determined all left distributive algebras such that is a quasitrivial groupoid.
This short note is a continuation of and and its purpose is to show that every simple zeropotent paramedial groupoid containing at least three elements is strongly balanced in the sense of .
For every module we have a natural monomorphism and we focus our attention on the case when is also an epimorphism. Some other colimits are also considered.
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