Using original ideas from J.-B. Bost and S. David, we provide an explicit comparison between the Theta height and the stable Faltings height of a principally polarized Abelian variety. We also give as an application an explicit upper bound on the number of -rational points of a curve of genus under a conjecture of S. Lang and J. Silverman. We complete the study with a comparison between differential lattice structures.
We compare general inequalities between invariants of number fields and invariants of elliptic curves over number fields. On the number field side, we remark that there is only a finite number of non-CM number fields with bounded regulator. On the elliptic curve side, assuming the height conjecture of Lang and Silverman, we obtain a Northcott property for the regulator on the set of elliptic curves with dense rational points over a number field. This amounts to say that the arithmetic of CM fields...
Le but de cet article est d’étudier une conjecture de Lang énoncée sur les courbes elliptiques dans un livre de Serge Lang, puis généralisée aux variétés abéliennes de dimension supérieure dans un article de Joseph Silverman. On donne un résultat asymptotique sur la hauteur des points de Heegner sur , lequel permet de déduire que la conjecture est optimale dans sa formulation.
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