Propagazione dei massimi e unicità di soluzioni di viscosità di equazioni completamente non lineari del primo e del secondo ordine
We study uniformly elliptic fully nonlinear equations , and prove results of Gidas–Ni–Nirenberg type for positive viscosity solutions of such equations. We show that symmetries of the equation and the domain are reflected by the solution, both in bounded and unbounded domains.
In this paper we prove a comparison result between semicontinuous viscosity subsolutions and supersolutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations of the form in where the Hamiltonian may be noncoercive in the gradient As a consequence of the comparison result and the Perron's method we get the existence of a continuous solution of this equation.
We prove the convergence at a large scale of a non-local first order equation to an anisotropic mean curvature motion. The equation is an eikonal-type equation with a velocity depending in a non-local way on the solution itself, which arises in the theory of dislocation dynamics. We show that if an anisotropic mean curvature motion is approximated by equations of this type then it is always of variational type, whereas the converse is true only in dimension two.
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