We prove an integral estimate for weak solutions to some quasilinear elliptic systems; such an estimate provides us with the following regularity result: weak solutions are bounded.
We prove higher integrability for minimizers of some integrals of the calculus of variations; such an improved integrability allows us to get existence of weak second derivatives.
We prove that the higher integrability of the data improves on the integrability of minimizers of functionals , whose model is
where and .
In this paper we prove existence of solutions to some elliptic systems with measure on the right hand side, in dimension two and three.
In this paper we prove an estimate for the measure of superlevel sets of weak solutions to quasilinear elliptic systems in divergence form. In some special cases, such an estimate allows us to improve on the integrability of the solution.
We consider a function , , minimizing the integral , , where , or some more general functional with the same behaviour; we prove the existence of second weak derivatives and .
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