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A proof of menger's theorem by contraction

Frank Göring — 2002

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A short proof of the classical theorem of Menger concerning the number of disjoint AB-paths of a finite graph for two subsets A and B of its vertex set is given. The main idea of the proof is to contract an edge of the graph.

On domination in graphs

Frank GöringJochen Harant — 2005

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a finite undirected graph G on n vertices two continuous optimization problems taken over the n-dimensional cube are presented and it is proved that their optimum values equal the domination number γ of G. An efficient approximation method is developed and known upper bounds on γ are slightly improved.

Unique-Maximum Coloring Of Plane Graphs

Igor FabriciFrank Göring — 2016

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A unique-maximum k-coloring with respect to faces of a plane graph G is a coloring with colors 1, . . . , k so that, for each face of G, the maximum color occurs exactly once on the vertices of α. We prove that any plane graph is unique-maximum 3-colorable and has a proper unique-maximum coloring with 6 colors.

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