Semantics of MML Query - Ordering
Semantics of order directives of MML Query is presented. The formalization is done according to [1]
Semantics of order directives of MML Query is presented. The formalization is done according to [1]
We analyse three algorithms: exponentiation by squaring, calculation of maximum, and sorting by exchanging in terms of program algebra over an algebra.
We introduce algorithmic logic - an algebraic approach according to [25]. It is done in three stages: propositional calculus, quantifier calculus with equality, and finally proper algorithmic logic. For each stage appropriate signature and theory are defined. Propositional calculus and quantifier calculus with equality are explored according to [24]. A language is introduced with language signature including free variables, substitution, and equality. Algorithmic logic requires a bialgebra structure...
Educational content for abstract reduction systems concerning reduction, convertibility, normal forms, divergence and convergence, Church- Rosser property, term rewriting systems, and the idea of the Knuth-Bendix Completion Algorithm. The theory is based on [1].
Two construction functors: simple term with a variable and compound term with an operation and argument terms and schemes of term induction are introduced. The degree of construction as a number of used operation symbols is defined. Next, the term context is investigated. An x-context is a term which includes a variable x once only. The compound term is x-context iff the argument terms include an x-context once only. The context induction is shown and used many times. As a key concept, the context...
Algorithms and its parts - instructions - are formalized as elements of if-while algebras. An if-while algebra is a (1-sorted) universal algebra which has 4 operations: a constant - the empty instruction, a binary catenation of instructions, a ternary conditional instruction, and a binary while instruction. An execution function is defined on pairs (s, I), where s is a state (an element of certain set of states) and I is an instruction, and results in states. The execution function obeys control...
In the paper the concept of stacks is formalized. As the main result the Theorem of Representation for Stacks is given. Formalization is done according to [13].
The aim of this paper is to develop a formal theory of Mizar linguistic concepts following the ideas from [14] and [13]. The theory here presented is an abstract of the existing implementation of the Mizar system and is devoted to the formalization of Mizar expressions. The base idea behind the formalization is dependence on variables which is determined by variable-dependence (variables may depend on other variables). The dependence constitutes a Galois connection between opposite poset of dependence-closed...
The aim of this paper is to develop a formal theory of Mizar linguistic concepts following the ideas from [6] and [7]. The theory presented is an abstraction from the existing implementation of the Mizar system and is devoted to the formalization of Mizar expressions. The concepts formalized here are: standarized constructor signature, arity-rich signatures, and the unification of Mizar expressions.
We introduce an algebra with free variables, an algebra with undefined values, a program algebra over a term algebra, an algebra with integers, and an algebra with arrays. Program algebra is defined as universal algebra with assignments. Programs depend on the set of generators with supporting variables and supporting terms which determine the value of free variables in the next state. The execution of a program is changing state according to successor function using supporting terms.
We show that exchanging of pairs in an array which are in incorrect order leads to sorted array. It justifies correctness of Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, and Quicksort.
An epsilon number is a transfinite number which is a fixed point of an exponential map: ωϵ = ϵ. The formalization of the concept is done with use of the tetration of ordinals (Knuth's arrow notation, ↑). Namely, the ordinal indexing of epsilon numbers is defined as follows: [...] and for limit ordinal λ: [...] Tetration stabilizes at ω: [...] Every ordinal number α can be uniquely written as [...] where κ is a natural number, n1, n2, …, nk are positive integers, and β1 > β2 > … > βκ are...
We interoduce a new characterization of algebras of normal forms of term rewriting systems [35] as algerbras of term free in itself (any function from free generators into the algebra generates endomorphism of the algebra). Introduced algebras are free in classes of algebras satisfying some sets of equalities. Their universes are subsets of all terms and the denotations of operation symbols are partially identical with the operations of construction of terms. These algebras are compiler algebras...
The Veblen hierarchy is an extension of the construction of epsilon numbers (fixpoints of the exponential map: ωε = ε). It is a collection φα of the Veblen Functions where φ0(β) = ωβ and φ1(β) = εβ. The sequence of fixpoints of φ1 function form φ2, etc. For a limit non empty ordinal λ the function φλ is the sequence of common fixpoints of all functions φα where α < λ.The Mizar formalization of the concept cannot be done directly as the Veblen functions are classes (not (small) sets). It is done...
In the paper the semantics of MML Query queries is given. The formalization is done according to [4]
This paper is a continuation of [5] and concerns if-while algebras over integers. In these algebras the only elementary instructions are assignment instructions. The instruction assigns to a (program) variable a value which is calculated for the current state according to some arithmetic expression. The expression may include variables, constants, and a limited number of arithmetic operations. States are functions from a given set of locations into integers. A variable is a function from the states...
Formalization of a part of [11]. Unfortunately, not all is possible to be formalized. Namely, in the paper there is a mistake in the proof of Lemma 3. It states that there exists x ∈ M1 such that M1(x) > N1(x) and (∀y ∈ N1)x ⊀ y. It should be M1(x) ⩾ N1(x). Nevertheless we do not know whether x ∈ N1 or not and cannot prove the contradiction. In the article we referred to [8], [9] and [10].
The paper includes elements of the theory of matroids [23]. The formalization is done according to [12].MML identifier: MATROID0, version: 7.9.03 4.108.1028
In the article we introduce a valuation function over a field [1]. Ring of non negative elements and its ideal of positive elements have been also defined.
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