Comparative approximation in two topologies
Suppose is a finite positive rotation invariant Borel measure on the open unit disc , and that the unit circle lies in the closed support of . For the is the collection of functions in holomorphic on . We show that whenever a Gaussian power series almost surely lies in but not in , then almost surely: a) the zero set of is not contained in any zero set (, and b) is not contained in any zero set.
Let T be a continuous linear operator on a Hausdorff topological vector space 𝓧 over the field ℂ. We show that if T is N-supercyclic, i.e., if 𝓧 has an N-dimensional subspace whose orbit under T is dense in 𝓧, then T* has at most N eigenvalues (counting geometric multiplicity). We then show that N-supercyclicity cannot occur nontrivially in the finite-dimensional setting: the orbit of an N-dimensional subspace cannot be dense in an (N+1)-dimensional space. Finally, we show that a subnormal operator...
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The operator of multiplication by on the Hardy space of square summable power series has been studied by many authors. In this paper we make a similar study of the adjoint operator (the “backward shift”). Let denote the cyclic subspace generated by , that is, the smallest closed subspace of that contains . If , then is called a cyclic vector for . Theorem : is a cyclic vector if and only if there is a function , meromorphic and of bounded Nevanlinna characteristic...
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