Bipartition orders and statistics on words. (Ordres bipartitionnaires et statistiques sur les mots.)
The paper is devoted to the derivation of the expansion formula for the powers of the Euler Product in terms of partition hook lengths, discovered by Nekrasov and Okounkov in their study of the Seiberg-Witten Theory. We provide a refinement based on a new property of -cores, and give an elementary proof by using the Macdonald identities. We also obtain an extension by adding two more parameters, which appears to be a discrete interpolation between the Macdonald identities and the generating function...
A true Tree Calculus is being developed to make a joint study of the two statistics “eoc” (end of minimal chain) and “pom” (parent of maximum leaf) on the set of secant trees. Their joint distribution restricted to the set {eoc-pom ≤ 1} is shown to satisfy two partial difference equation systems, to be symmetric and to be expressed in the form of an explicit three-variable generating function.
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