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Additive functions for quivers with relations

Helmut LenzingIdun Reiten — 1999

Colloquium Mathematicae

Additive functions for quivers with relations extend the classical concept of additive functions for graphs. It is shown that the concept, recently introduced by T. Hübner in a special context, can be defined for different homological levels. The existence of such functions for level 2 resp. ∞ relates to a nonzero radical of the Tits resp. Euler form. We derive the existence of nonnegative additive functions from a family of stable tubes which stay tubes in the derived category, we investigate when...

Selfinjective algebras of wild canonical type

Helmut LenzingAndrzej Skowroński — 2003

Colloquium Mathematicae

We develop the representation theory of selfinjective algebras which admit Galois coverings by the repetitive algebras of algebras whose derived category of bounded complexes of finite-dimensional modules is equivalent to the derived category of coherent sheaves on a weighted projective line with virtual genus greater than one.

Extremal properties for concealed-canonical algebras

Michael BarotDirk KussinHelmut Lenzing — 2013

Colloquium Mathematicae

Canonical algebras, introduced by C. M. Ringel in 1984, play an important role in the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. They also feature in many other mathematical areas like function theory, 3-manifolds, singularity theory, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics. We show that canonical algebras are characterized by a number of interesting extremal properties (among concealed-canonical algebras, that is, the endomorphism rings of tilting bundles on...

Matrix factorizations for domestic triangle singularities

Dawid Edmund KędzierskiHelmut LenzingHagen Meltzer — 2015

Colloquium Mathematicae

Working over an algebraically closed field k of any characteristic, we determine the matrix factorizations for the-suitably graded-triangle singularities f = x a + y b + z c of domestic type, that is, we assume that (a,b,c) are integers at least two satisfying 1/a + 1/b + 1/c > 1. Using work by Kussin-Lenzing-Meltzer, this is achieved by determining projective covers in the Frobenius category of vector bundles on the weighted projective line of weight type (a,b,c). Equivalently, in a representation-theoretic context,...

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