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On algebraic solutions of algebraic Pfaff equations

Henryk Żołądek — 1995

Studia Mathematica

We give a new proof of Jouanolou’s theorem about non-existence of algebraic solutions to the system = z s , = x s , ż = y s . We also present some generalizations of the results of Darboux and Jouanolou about algebraic Pfaff forms with algebraic solutions.

Two remarks about Picard-Vessiot extensions and elementary functions

Henryk Żołądek — 2000

Colloquium Mathematicae

We present a simple proof of the theorem which says that for a series of extensions of differential fields K ⊂ L ⊂ M, where K ⊂ M is Picard-Vessiot, the extension K ⊂ L is Picard-Vessiot iff the differential Galois group G a l L M is a normal subgroup of G a l K M . We also present a proof that the probability function Erf(x) is not an elementary function.

The XVI-th Hilbert problem about limit cycles

Henryk Żołądek — 1995

Banach Center Publications

1. Introduction. The XVI-th Hilbert problem consists of two parts. The first part concerns the real algebraic geometry and asks about the topological properties of real algebraic curves and surfaces. The second part deals with polynomial planar vector fields and asks for the number and position of limit cycles. The progress in the solution of the first part of the problem is significant. The classification of algebraic curves in the projective plane was solved for degrees less than 8. Among general...

A simple proof of the non-integrability of the first and the second Painlevé equations

Henryk Żołądek — 2011

Banach Center Publications

The first and the second Painlevé equations are explicitly Hamiltonian with time dependent Hamilton function. By a natural extension of the phase space one gets corresponding autonomous Hamiltonian systems in ℂ⁴. We prove that the latter systems do not have any additional algebraic first integral. In the proof equations in variations with respect to a parameter are used.

Polynomial Riccati equations with algebraic solutions

Henryk Żołądek — 2002

Banach Center Publications

We consider the equations of the form dy/dx = y²-P(x) where P are polynomials. We characterize the possible algebraic solutions and the class of equations having such solutions. We present formulas for first integrals of rational Riccati equations with an algebraic solution. We also present a relation between the problem of algebraic solutions and the theory of random matrices.

Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. I. Zeta(2)

Michał ZakrzewskiHenryk Żołądek — 2010

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Certain generating fuctions for multiple zeta values are expressed as values at some point of solutions of linear meromorphic differential equations. We apply asymptotic expansion methods (like the WKB method and the Stokes operators) to solutions of these equations. In this way we give a new proof of the Euler formula ζ(2) = π²/6. In further papers we plan to apply this method to study some third order hypergeometric equation related to ζ(3).

Geometry of Puiseux expansions

Maciej BorodzikHenryk Żołądek — 2008

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the space Curv of complex affine lines t ↦ (x,y) = (ϕ(t),ψ(t)) with monic polynomials ϕ, ψ of fixed degrees and a map Expan from Curv to a complex affine space Puis with dim Curv = dim Puis, which is defined by initial Puiseux coefficients of the Puiseux expansion of the curve at infinity. We present some unexpected relations between geometrical properties of the curves (ϕ,ψ) and singularities of the map Expan. For example, the curve (ϕ,ψ) has a cuspidal singularity iff it is a critical...

Solution of the 1 : −2 resonant center problem in the quadratic case

Alexandra FronvilleAnton SadovskiHenryk Żołądek — 1998

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The 1:-2 resonant center problem in the quadratic case is to find necessary and sufficient conditions (on the coefficients) for the existence of a local analytic first integral for the vector field ( x + A 1 x 2 + B 1 x y + C y 2 ) x + ( - 2 y + D x 2 + A 2 x y + B 2 y 2 ) y . There are twenty cases of center. Their necessity was proved in [4] using factorization of polynomials with integer coefficients modulo prime numbers. Here we show that, in each of the twenty cases found in [4], there is an analytic first integral. We develop a new method of investigation of analytic...

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