Products of finite nilpotent groups.
We describe the finite groups satisfying one of the following conditions: all maximal subgroups permute with all subnormal subgroups, (2) all maximal subgroups and all Sylow -subgroups for permute with all subnormal subgroups.
A finite solvable group G is called an X-group if the subnormal subgroups of G permute with all the system normalizers of G. It is our purpose here to determine some of the properties of X-groups. Subgroups and quotient groups of X-groups are X-groups. Let M and N be normal subgroups of a group G of relatively prime order. If G/M and G/N are X-groups, then G is also an X-group. Let the nilpotent residual L of G be abelian. Then G is an X-group if and only if G acts by conjugation on L as a group...
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