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The p -rank stratification of Artin-Schreier curves

Rachel PriesHui June Zhu — 2012

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study a moduli space 𝒜𝒮 g for Artin-Schreier curves of genus g over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p . We study the stratification of 𝒜𝒮 g by p -rank into strata 𝒜𝒮 g . s of Artin-Schreier curves of genus g with p -rank exactly s . We enumerate the irreducible components of 𝒜𝒮 g , s and find their dimensions. As an application, when p = 2 , we prove that every irreducible component of the moduli space of hyperelliptic k -curves with genus g and 2 -rank s has dimension g - 1 + s . We also determine all pairs ( p , g ) for...

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