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On the Hilbert 2 -class field tower of some imaginary biquadratic number fields

Mohamed Mahmoud Chems-EddinAbdelmalek AziziAbdelkader ZekhniniIdriss Jerrari — 2021

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝕜 = 2 , d be an imaginary bicyclic biquadratic number field, where d is an odd negative square-free integer and 𝕜 2 ( 2 ) its second Hilbert 2 -class field. Denote by G = Gal ( 𝕜 2 ( 2 ) / 𝕜 ) the Galois group of 𝕜 2 ( 2 ) / 𝕜 . The purpose of this note is to investigate the Hilbert 2 -class field tower of 𝕜 and then deduce the structure of G .

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