Multivariate Descartes' rule.
Les des variétés algébriques dans sont les images de ces variétés par l’application des moments , . Des résultats obtenus par G. Mikhalkin montrent l’utilité des amibes pour l’étude des variétés algébriques réelles et complexes. Les amibes peuvent être déformées en des complexes polyédraux appelés. Cette déformation permet, en particulier, de calculer les invariants de Gromov-Witten du plan projectif et d’autres surfaces toriques en dénombrant des courbes tropicales.
The paper is devoted to algebraic surfaces which can be obtained using a simple combinatorial procedure called the T-construction. The class of T-surfaces is sufficiently rich: for example, we construct T-surfaces of an arbitrary degree in RP³ which are M-surfaces. We also present a construction of T-surfaces in RP³ with dim H1 (RX; Z/2) > h1, 1(CX), where RX and CX are the real and the complex point sets of the surface.
We give a recursive formula for purely real Welschinger invariants of the following real Del Pezzo surfaces: the projective plane blown up at real and pairs of conjugate imaginary points, where , and the real quadric blown up at pairs of conjugate imaginary points and having non-empty real part. The formula is similar to Vakil’s recursive formula [22] for Gromov–Witten invariants of these surfaces and generalizes our recursive formula [12] for purely real Welschinger invariants of real toric...
We show that, if a meromorphic function of degree at most four on a real algebraic curve of an arbitrary genus has only real critical points, then it is conjugate to a real meromorphic function by a suitable projective automorphism of the image.
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