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A direct proof of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg theorem

Jörg Wolf — 2008

Banach Center Publications

In the present paper we give a new proof of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg theorem based on a direct approach. Given a pair (u,p) of suitable weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in ℝ³ × ]0,∞[ the velocity field u satisfies the following property of partial regularity: The velocity u is Lipschitz continuous in a neighbourhood of a point (x₀,t₀) ∈ Ω × ]0,∞ [ if l i m s u p R 0 1 / R Q R ( x , t ) | c u r l u × u / | u | | ² d x d t ε * for a sufficiently small ε * > 0 .

Interior regularity of weak solutions to the equations of a stationary motion of a non-Newtonian fluid with shear-dependent viscosity. The case q = 3 d d + 2

Jörg Wolf — 2007

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider weak solutions 𝐮 : Ω d to the equations of stationary motion of a fluid with shear dependent viscosity in a bounded domain Ω d ( d = 2 or d = 3 ). For the critical case q = 3 d d + 2 we prove the higher integrability of 𝐮 which forms the basis for applying the method of differences in order to get fractional differentiability of 𝐮 . From this we show the existence of second order weak derivatives of u .

On the linear problem arising from motion of a fluid around a moving rigid body

Šárka Matušů-NečasováJörg Wolf — 2015

Mathematica Bohemica

We study a linear system of equations arising from fluid motion around a moving rigid body, where rotation is included. Originally, the coordinate system is attached to the fluid, which means that the domain is changing with respect to time. To get a problem in the fixed domain, the problem is rewritten in the coordinate system attached to the body. The aim of the present paper is the proof of the existence of a strong solution in a weighted Lebesgue space. In particular, we prove the existence...

On the Hölder continuity of weak solutions to nonlinear parabolic systems in two space dimensions

Joachim NaumannJörg WolfMichael Wolff — 1998

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove the interior Hölder continuity of weak solutions to parabolic systems u j t - D α a j α ( x , t , u , u ) = 0 in Q ( j = 1 , ... , N ) ( Q = Ω × ( 0 , T ) , Ω 2 ), where the coefficients a j α ( x , t , u , ξ ) are measurable in x , Hölder continuous in t and Lipschitz continuous in u and ξ .

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