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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Irreducible Jacobian derivations in positive characteristic

Piotr Jędrzejewicz — 2014

Open Mathematics

We prove that an irreducible polynomial derivation in positive characteristic is a Jacobian derivation if and only if there exists an (n-1)-element p-basis of its ring of constants. In the case of two variables we characterize these derivations in terms of their divergence and some nontrivial constants.

Positive characteristic analogs of closed polynomials

Piotr Jędrzejewicz — 2011

Open Mathematics

The notion of a closed polynomial over a field of zero characteristic was introduced by Nowicki and Nagata. In this paper we discuss possible ways to define an analog of this notion over fields of positive characteristic. We are mostly interested in conditions of maximality of the algebra generated by a polynomial in a respective family of rings. We also present a modification of the condition of integral closure and discuss a condition involving partial derivatives.

A characterization of p-bases of rings of constants

Piotr Jędrzejewicz — 2013

Open Mathematics

We obtain two equivalent conditions for m polynomials in n variables to form a p-basis of a ring of constants of some polynomial K-derivation, where K is a unique factorization domain of characteristic p > 0. One of these conditions involves Jacobians while the other some properties of factors. In the case m = n this extends the known theorem of Nousiainen, and we obtain a new formulation of the Jacobian conjecture in positive characteristic.

A Characterization of One-Element p-Bases of Rings of Constants

Piotr Jędrzejewicz — 2011

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Let K be a unique factorization domain of characteristic p > 0, and let f ∈ K[x₁,...,xₙ] be a polynomial not lying in K [ x p , . . . , x p ] . We prove that K [ x p , . . . , x p , f ] is the ring of constants of a K-derivation of K[x₁,...,xₙ] if and only if all the partial derivatives of f are relatively prime. The proof is based on a generalization of Freudenburg’s lemma to the case of polynomials over a unique factorization domain of arbitrary characteristic.

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