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Computing the numerical range of Krein space operators

Natalia BebianoJ. da ProvidênciaA. NataJ.P. da Providência — 2015

Open Mathematics

Consider the Hilbert space (H,〈• , •〉) equipped with the indefinite inner product[u,v]=v*J u,u,v∈ H, where J is an indefinite self-adjoint involution acting on H. The Krein space numerical range WJ(T) of an operator T acting on H is the set of all the values attained by the quadratic form [Tu,u], with u ∈H satisfying [u,u]=± 1. We develop, implement and test an alternative algorithm to compute WJ(T) in the finite dimensional case, constructing 2 by 2 matrix compressions of T and their easily determined...

Indefinite numerical range of 3 × 3 matrices

N. BebianoJ. da ProvidênciaR. Teixeira — 2009

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The point equation of the associated curve of the indefinite numerical range is derived, following Fiedler’s approach for definite inner product spaces. The classification of the associated curve is presented in the 3 × 3 indefinite case, using Newton’s classification of cubic curves. Illustrative examples of all the different possibilities are given. The results obtained extend to Krein spaces results of Kippenhahn on the classical numerical range.

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