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The first derivative of period function of a plane vector field.

Jean-Pierre Françoise — 1997

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The algorithm of the successive derivatives introduced in [5] was implemented in [7], [8]. This algorithm is based on the existence of a decomposition of 1-forms associated to the relative cohomology of the Hamiltonian function which is perturbed. We explain here how the first step of this algorithm gives also the first derivative of the period function. This includes, for instance, new presentations of formulas obtained by Carmen Chicone and Marc Jacobs in [3].

Le théorème de M. Sebastiani pour une singularité quasi-homogène isolée

Jean-Pierre Françoise — 1979

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article, on donne une démonstration explicite du théorème de M. Sebastiani, sur la liberté du C { p } module G = Ω n / d P d Ω n - 2 associé à un germe à singularité isolée, lorsque P est quasi homogène. Il se distingue, dans ce cas, une base et les fonctions composantes d’un élément de G sont produites par un algorithme dont on prouve la convergence avec le théorème des voisinages privilégiés de B. Malgrange.

Integrability and limit cycles for Abel equations

Jean-Pierre Françoise — 2011

Banach Center Publications

Abel equations are among the most natural ordinary differential equations which have a Godbillon-Vey sequence of length 4. We show that the associated Poincaré mapping can be expressed by iterated integrals with three functions which are solutions of a system of partial differential equations.

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