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Spatial heterogeneity in 3D-2D dimensional reduction

Jean-François BabadjianGilles A. Francfort — 2005

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A justification of heterogeneous membrane models as zero-thickness limits of a cylindral three-dimensional heterogeneous nonlinear hyperelastic body is proposed in the spirit of Le Dret (1995). Specific characterizations of the 2D elastic energy are produced. As a generalization of Bouchitté et al. (2002), the case where external loads induce a density of bending moment that produces a Cosserat vector field is also investigated. Throughout, the 3D-2D dimensional reduction is viewed as a problem...

Homogenization of variational problems in manifold valued Sobolev spaces

Jean-François BabadjianVincent Millot — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Homogenization of integral functionals is studied under the constraint that admissible maps have to take their values into a given smooth manifold. The notion of tangential homogenization is defined by analogy with the tangential quasiconvexity introduced by Dacorogna [  (1999) 185–206]. For energies with superlinear or linear growth, a -convergence result is established in Sobolev spaces, the homogenization problem in the space of functions of bounded variation being the object of [Babadjian...

Spatial heterogeneity in 3D-2D dimensional reduction

Jean-François BabadjianGilles A. Francfort — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A justification of heterogeneous membrane models as zero-thickness limits of a cylindral three-dimensional heterogeneous nonlinear hyperelastic body is proposed in the spirit of Le Dret (1995). Specific characterizations of the 2D elastic energy are produced. As a generalization of Bouchitté (2002), the case where external loads induce a density of bending moment that produces a Cosserat vector field is also investigated. Throughout, the 3D-2D dimensional reduction is viewed as a problem of -convergence...

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