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Compactifications and uniformities on sigma frames

Joanne L. Walters-Wayland — 1991

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A bijective correspondence between strong inclusions and compactifications in the setting of σ -frames is presented. The category of uniform σ -frames is defined and a description of the Samuel compactification is given. It is shown that the Samuel compactification of a uniform frame is completely determined by the σ -frame consisting of its uniform cozero part, and consequently, any compactification of any frame is so determined.

Metric-fine uniform frames

Joanne L. Walters-Wayland — 1998

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A locallic version of Hager’s metric-fine spaces is presented. A general definition of 𝒜 -fineness is given and various special cases are considered, notably 𝒜 = all metric frames, 𝒜 = complete metric frames. Their interactions with each other, quotients, separability, completion and other topological properties are discussed.

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