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Suzuki type fuzzy 𝒵 -contractive mappings and fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces

Dhananjay GopalJuan Martínez-Moreno — 2021


In this paper, we propose the concept of Suzuki type fuzzy 𝒵 -contractive mappings, which is a generalization of Fuzzy 𝒵 -contractive mappings initiated in the article [S. Shukla, D. Gopal, W. Sintunavarat, A new class of fuzzy contractive mappings and fixed point theorems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 350 (2018)85-95]. For this type of contractions suitable conditions are framed to ensure the existence of fixed point in G -complete as well as M -complete fuzzy metric spaces. A comprehensive set of examples...

Asymptotic fuzzy contractive mappings in fuzzy metric spaces

Fixed point theory in fuzzy metric spaces has grown to become an intensive field of research. However, due to the complexity involved in the nature of fuzzy metrics, the authors need to develop innovative machinery to establish new fixed point theorems in such kind of spaces. In this paper, we propose the concepts of asymptotic fuzzy ψ -contractive and asymptotic fuzzy Meir-Keeler mappings, and describe some new machinery by which the corresponding fixed point theorems are proved. In this sense,...

On fixed figure problems in fuzzy metric spaces

Fixed circle problems belong to a realm of problems in metric fixed point theory. Specifically, it is a problem of finding self mappings which remain invariant at each point of the circle in the space. Recently this problem is well studied in various metric spaces. Our present work is in the domain of the extension of this line of research in the context of fuzzy metric spaces. For our purpose, we first define the notions of a fixed circle and of a fixed Cassini curve then determine suitable conditions...

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