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A smooth Lyapunov function from a class- 𝒦ℒ estimate involving two positive semidefinite functions

Andrew R. TeelLaurent Praly — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider differential inclusions where a positive semidefinite function of the solutions satisfies a class- 𝒦ℒ estimate in terms of time and a second positive semidefinite function of the initial condition. We show that a smooth converse Lyapunov function, , one whose derivative along solutions can be used to establish the class- 𝒦ℒ estimate, exists if and only if the class- 𝒦ℒ estimate is robust, , it holds for a larger, perturbed differential inclusion. It remains an open question whether all class-...

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