In the paper we construct some stratifications of the space of monic polynomials in real and complex cases. These stratifications depend on properties of roots of the polynomials on some given semialgebraic subset of R or C. We prove differential triviality of these stratifications. In the real case the proof is based on properties of the action of the group of interval exchange transformations on the set of all monic polynomials of some given degree. Finally we compare stratifications corresponding...
We present a complete bi-Lipschitz classification of germs of semialgebraic curves (semialgebraic sets of the dimension one). For this purpose we introduce the so-called Hölder Semicomplex, a bi-Lipschitz invariant. Hölder Semicomplex is the collection of all first exponents of Newton-Puiseux expansions, for all pairs of branches of a curve. We prove that two germs of curves are bi-Lipschitz equivalent if and only if the corresponding Hölder Semicomplexes are isomorphic. We also prove that any Hölder...
We study the topological K-equivalence of function-germs (ℝn, 0) → (ℝ, 0). We present some special classes of piece-wise linear functions and prove that they are normal forms for equivalence classes with respect to topological K-equivalence for definable functions-germs. For the case n = 2 we present polynomial models for analytic function-germs.
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