Reverse Markov inequality.
Given an irreducible algebraic curves in , let be the dimension of the complex vector space of all holomorphic polynomials of degree at most restricted to . Let be a nonpolar compact subset of , and for each choose points in . Finally, let be the -th Lebesgue constant of the array ; i.e., is the operator norm of the Lagrange interpolation operator acting on , where is the Lagrange interpolating polynomial for of degree at the points . Using techniques of pluripotential...
For a regular, compact, polynomially convex circled set in , we construct a sequence of pairs of homogeneous polynomials in two variables with such that the sets approximate and if is the closure of a strictly pseudoconvex domain the normalized counting measures associated to the finite set converge to the pluripotential-theoretic Monge-Ampère measure for . The key ingredient is an approximation theorem for subharmonic functions of logarithmic growth in one complex...
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