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On weakly monotonically monolithic spaces

Liang-Xue Peng — 2010

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this note, we introduce the concept of weakly monotonically monolithic spaces, and show that every weakly monotonically monolithic space is a D -space. Thus most known conclusions on D -spaces can be obtained by this conclusion. As a corollary, we have that if a regular space X is sequential and has a point-countable w c s * -network then X is a D -space.

A note on transitively D -spaces

Liang-Xue Peng — 2011

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this note, we show that if for any transitive neighborhood assignment φ for X there is a point-countable refinement such that for any non-closed subset A of X there is some V such that | V A | ω , then X is transitively D . As a corollary, if X is a sequential space and has a point-countable w c s * -network then X is transitively D , and hence if X is a Hausdorff k -space and has a point-countable k -network, then X is transitively D . We prove that if X is a countably compact sequential space and has a point-countable...

A note on topological groups and their remainders

Liang-Xue PengYu-Feng He — 2012

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this note we first give a summary that on property of a remainder of a non-locally compact topological group G in a compactification b G makes the remainder and the topological group G all separable and metrizable. If a non-locally compact topological group G has a compactification b G such that the remainder b G G of G belongs to 𝒫 , then G and b G G are separable and metrizable, where 𝒫 is a class of spaces which satisfies the following conditions: (1) if X 𝒫 , then every compact subset of the space X is a...

Pressing Down Lemma for λ -trees and its applications

Hui LiLiang-Xue Peng — 2013

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For any ordinal λ of uncountable cofinality, a λ -tree is a tree T of height λ such that | T α | < cf ( λ ) for each α < λ , where T α = { x T : ht ( x ) = α } . In this note we get a Pressing Down Lemma for λ -trees and discuss some of its applications. We show that if η is an uncountable ordinal and T is a Hausdorff tree of height η such that | T α | ω for each α < η , then the tree T is collectionwise Hausdorff if and only if for each antichain C T and for each limit ordinal α η with cf ( α ) > ω , { ht ( c ) : c C } α is not stationary in α . In the last part of this note, we investigate some...

A note on k-c-semistratifiable spaces and strong β -spaces

Li-Xia WangLiang-Xue Peng — 2011

Mathematica Bohemica

Recall that a space X is a c-semistratifiable (CSS) space, if the compact sets of X are G δ -sets in a uniform way. In this note, we introduce another class of spaces, denoting it by k-c-semistratifiable (k-CSS), which generalizes the concept of c-semistratifiable. We discuss some properties of k-c-semistratifiable spaces. We prove that a T 2 -space X is a k-c-semistratifiable space if and only if X has a g function which satisfies the following conditions: (1) For each x X , { x } = { g ( x , n ) : n } and g ( x , n + 1 ) g ( x , n ) for each n . (2) If a...

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