Zur Theorie der quadratischen Formen über formal reellen Körpern.
For a symmetric (= invariant under the action of a compact Lie group G) semialgebraic basic set C, described by s polynomial inequalities, we show, that C can also be written by s + 1 G-invariant polynomials. We also describe orbit spaces for the action of G by a number of inequalities only depending on the structure of G.
Let R be a real closed field with a real valuation v. A ℤ-valued semialgebraic function on Rⁿ is called algebraic if it can be written as the sign of a symmetric bilinear form over R[X₁,. .., Xₙ]. We show that the reduction of such a function with respect to v is again algebraic on the residue field. This implies a corresponding result for limits of algebraic functions in definable families.
Deux types de courbures sont associés à un sous-ensemble compact et définissable d'une variété riemannienne analytique réelle. Si la variété est de courbure constante, il y a des relations linéaires entre ces mesures. Comme application, nous démontrons une formule cinématique, définissons des densités locales, et nous étudions les volumes des simplexes réguliers.
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