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A global differentiability result for solutions of nonlinear elliptic problems with controlled growths

Luisa Fattorusso — 2008

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let Ω be a bounded open subset of n , n > 2 . In Ω we deduce the global differentiability result u H 2 ( Ω , N ) for the solutions u H 1 ( Ω , n ) of the Dirichlet problem u - g H 0 1 ( Ω , N ) , - i D i a i ( x , u , D u ) = B 0 ( x , u , D u ) with controlled growth and nonlinearity q = 2 . The result was obtained by first extending the interior differentiability result near the boundary and then proving the global differentiability result making use of a covering procedure.

Differentiability of weak solutions of nonlinear second order parabolic systems with quadratic growth and nonlinearity q 2

Luisa Fattorusso — 2004

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let Ω be a bounded open subset of n , let X = ( x , t ) be a point of n × N . In the cylinder Q = Ω × ( - T , 0 ) , T > 0 , we deduce the local differentiability result u L 2 ( - a , 0 , H 2 ( B ( σ ) , N ) ) H 1 ( - a , 0 , L 2 ( B ( σ ) , N ) ) for the solutions u of the class L q ( - T , 0 , H 1 , q ( Ω , N ) ) C 0 , λ ( Q ¯ , N ) ( 0 < λ < 1 , N integer 1 ) of the nonlinear parabolic system - i = 1 n D i a i ( X , u , D u ) + u t = B 0 ( X , u , D u ) with quadratic growth and nonlinearity q 2 . This result had been obtained making use of the interpolation theory and an imbedding theorem of Gagliardo-Nirenberg type for functions u belonging to W 1 , q C 0 , λ .

Partial Hölder continuity results for solutions of non linear non variational elliptic systems with limit controlled growth

Luisa FattorussoGiovanna Idone — 2002

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let Ω be a bounded open subset of R n , n > 4 , of class C 2 . Let u H 2 Ω a solution of elliptic non linear non variational system a x , u , D u , H u = b x , u , D u where a x , u , μ , ξ and b x , u , μ are vectors in R N , N 1 , measurable in x , continuous in u , μ , ξ and u , μ respectively. Here, we demonstrate that if b x , u , μ has limit controlled growth, if a x , u , μ , ξ is of class C 1 in ξ and satisfies the Campanato condition A and, together with a ξ , certain continuity assumptions, then the vector D u is partially Hölder continuous for every exponent α < 1 - n p .

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