Mathematical texts are characterised by the occurrence of specificsymbols. They may be letters (as applied, for example, by Euclid), numbersymbols or graphic signs with context-independent meaning. Mathematicalsymbols store knowledge of previous generations that provides frameworkswith which to examine history of mathematical problems. In this paper, wedeal with symbols related to the concept of function and related concepts likelimit, and some other set theoretical or logical concepts. We focus...
We show a new theorem which is a sufficient condition for maximal resolvability of a topological space. We also discuss some relationships between various theorems about maximal resolvability.
We compare several conditions sufficient for maximal resolvability of topological spaces. We prove that a space is maximally resolvable provided that for a dense set and for each the -character of at is not greater than the dispersion character of . On the other hand, we show that this implication is not reversible even in the class of card-homogeneous spaces.
Let T 1 and T 2 be topologies defined on the same set X and let us say that (X, T 1) and (X, T 2) are similar if the families of sets which have nonempty interior with respect to T 1 and T 2 coincide. The aim of the paper is to study how similar topologies are related with each other.
The decree that officially brought Lodz University of Technology into being was signed on 24 May 1945. The university's first faculties were Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Chemistry. Among researchers employed there were two mathematicians: Witold Pogorzelski and Edward Otto. Lectures of mathematics were provided by the Chairs of Mathematics and initially were shared by all faculties. In the paper we present the organization of classes, curricula in mathematics and direction...
Stefan Jan Kempisty was a Polish mathematician, working in the theory of real functions, set theory, integrals, interval functions and the thory of surface area. In 1919 he defended his Ph.D. thesis On semi{continuous functions at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow under supervision of Kazimierz Z_ orawski. In December 1924 he did habilitation at the Warsaw University and from 1920 to 1939 he worked at the Stefan Batory University in Vilnius. He published over forty scientic papers, three textbooks...
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