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The lattice of ideals of a numerical semigroup and its Frobenius restricted variety associated

Maria Angeles Moreno-FríasJosé Carlos Rosales — 2024

Mathematica Bohemica

Let Δ be a numerical semigroup. In this work we show that 𝒥 ( Δ ) = { I { 0 } : I is an ideal of Δ } is a distributive lattice, which in addition is a Frobenius restricted variety. We give an algorithm which allows us to compute the set 𝒥 a ( Δ ) = { S 𝒥 ( Δ ) : max ( Δ S ) = a } for a given a Δ . As a consequence, we obtain another algorithm that computes all the elements of 𝒥 ( Δ ) with a fixed genus.

The covariety of perfect numerical semigroups with fixed Frobenius number

María Ángeles Moreno-FríasJosé Carlos Rosales — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S be a numerical semigroup. We say that h S is an isolated gap of S if { h - 1 , h + 1 } S . A numerical semigroup without isolated gaps is called a perfect numerical semigroup. Denote by m ( S ) the multiplicity of a numerical semigroup S . A covariety is a nonempty family 𝒞 of numerical semigroups that fulfills the following conditions: there exists the minimum of 𝒞 , the intersection of two elements of 𝒞 is again an element of 𝒞 , and S { m ( S ) } 𝒞 for all S 𝒞 such that S min ( 𝒞 ) . We prove that the set 𝒫 ( F ) = { S : S is a perfect numerical semigroup with...

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