An empirical investigation of Cressie and Read tests for the hypothesis of independence in three-way contingency tables
The distribution of each member of the family of statistics based on the -divergence for testing goodness-of-fit is a chi-squared to (Pardo [pard96]). In this paper a closer approximation to the exact distribution is obtained by extracting the -dependent second order component from the term.
A statistic using the concept of order - weighted information energy introduced by Tuteja et al. (1992) is considered and its asymptotic distribution in a stratified random sampling is obtained. Some special cases are also discussed.
In this paper we consider an exploratory canonical analysis approach for multinomial population based on the -divergence measure. We define the restricted minimum -divergence estimator, which is seen to be a generalization of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator. This estimator is then used in -divergence goodness-of-fit statistics which is the basis of two new families of statistics for solving the problem of selecting the number of significant correlations as well as the appropriateness...
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