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Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel operators with anti-holomorphic symbols on complete pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains

Mehmet ÇelikYunus E. Zeytuncu — 2017

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

On complete pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains in 2 , we show that there is no nonzero Hankel operator with anti-holomorphic symbol that is Hilbert-Schmidt. In the proof, we explicitly use the pseudoconvexity property of the domain. We also present two examples of unbounded non-pseudoconvex domains in 2 that admit nonzero Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel operators with anti-holomorphic symbols. In the first example the Bergman space is finite dimensional. However, in the second example the Bergman space is infinite...

Area differences under analytic maps and operators

Mehmet ÇelikLuke Duane-TessierAshley Marcial RodriguezDaniel RodriguezAden Shaw — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Motivated by the relationship between the area of the image of the unit disk under a holomorphic mapping h and that of z h , we study various L 2 norms for T ϕ ( h ) , where T ϕ is the Toeplitz operator with symbol ϕ . In Theorem , given polynomials p and q we find a symbol ϕ such that T ϕ ( p ) = q . We extend some of our results to the polydisc.

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