Let be the wheel graph on vertices, and let be the graph on vertices obtained by attaching pendant edges together with hanging paths of length two at vertex , where is the unique common vertex of triangles. In this paper we show that (, ) and are determined by their signless Laplacian spectra, respectively. Moreover, we also prove that and its complement graph are determined by their Laplacian spectra, respectively, for and .
In this paper, the upper and lower bounds for the quotient of spectral radius (Laplacian spectral radius, signless Laplacian spectral radius) and the clique number together with the corresponding extremal graphs in the class of connected graphs with vertices and clique number
are determined. As a consequence of our results, two conjectures given in Aouchiche (2006) and Hansen (2010) are proved.
In this paper, the effects on the signless Laplacian spectral radius of a graph are studied when some operations, such as edge moving, edge subdividing, are applied to the graph. Moreover, the largest signless Laplacian spectral radius among the all unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendant vertices is identified. Furthermore, we determine the graphs with the largest Laplacian spectral radii among the all unicyclic graphs and bicyclic graphs with vertices and pendant vertices, respectively....
Let be a connected simple graph on vertices. The Laplacian index of , namely, the greatest Laplacian eigenvalue of , is well known to be bounded above by . In this paper, we give structural characterizations for graphs with the largest Laplacian index . Regular graphs, Hamiltonian graphs and planar graphs with the largest Laplacian index are investigated. We present a necessary and sufficient condition on and for the existence of a -regular graph of order with the largest Laplacian...
Given a graph , if there is no nonisomorphic graph such that and have the same signless Laplacian spectra, then we say that is -DS. In this paper we show that every fan graph is -DS, where and .
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