Une propriété caractéristique des algèbres Booléiennes Nachbin, Leopoldo — 1947 Portugaliae mathematica
The influence of António A. Ribeiro Monteiro in the development of Mathematics in Brazil Nachbin, Leopoldo — 1980 Portugaliae mathematica
Compact unions of closed subsets are closed and compact intersections of open subsets are open Nachbin, Leopoldo — 1992 Portugaliae mathematica
A direct sum is holomorphically bornological with the topology induced by a cartesian product Barroso, Jorge Alberto; Nachbin, Leopoldo — 1981 Portugaliae mathematica
Régularité des solutions des équations différentielles elliptiques Léopoldo Nachbin Séminaire Bourbaki
Fonctions analytiques et quasi-analytiques vectorielles et le problème d'approximation de Bernstein Leopoldo Nachbin Séminaire Lelong. Analyse
On the closure of modules of continuously differentiable mappings Leopoldo Nachbin — 1978 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
On a characterization of the lattice of all ideals of a Boolean ring Leopoldo Nachbin — 1949 Fundamenta Mathematicae
Entire functions on locally convex spaces and convolution operators Mario C. Matos; Leopoldo Nachbin — 1981 Compositio Mathematica