We present the convergence analysis of locally divergence-free discontinuous Galerkin methods for the induction equations which appear in the ideal magnetohydrodynamic system. When we use a second order Runge Kutta time discretization, under the CFL condition , we obtain error estimates in of order where is the degree of the local polynomials.
We consider the spherically symmetric Vlasov-Einstein system in the case of asymptotically flat spacetimes.
From the physical point of view this system of equations can model the formation of a spherical black hole by
gravitational collapse or describe the evolution of galaxies and globular clusters. We present high-order numerical schemes based on
techniques. The convergence of the solution of the discretized problem to
the exact solution is proven and high-order error estimates...
We present the convergence analysis of locally divergence-free discontinuous Galerkin methods
for the induction equations which appear in the ideal magnetohydrodynamic system. When we use a second order Runge Kutta time discretization, under the CFL condition
, we obtain error
estimates in
of order where is the degree of the local polynomials.
We present a new numerical method to solve the Vlasov-Darwin and Vlasov-Poisswell systems which are approximations of the Vlasov-Maxwell equation in the asymptotic limit of the infinite speed of light. These systems model low-frequency electromagnetic phenomena in plasmas, and thus "light waves" are somewhat supressed, which in turn allows thenumerical discretization to dispense with the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition on the time step. We construct a numerical scheme based on semi-Lagrangian...
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