Nets, ( t , s ) -sequences, and algebraic curves over finite fields with many rational points. Niederreiter, Harald — 1998 Documenta Mathematica
Point Sets and Sequences with Small Discrepancy. Harald Niederreiter — 1987 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Existence of Good Lattice Points in the Sense of Hlawka. Harald Niederreiter Monatshefte für Mathematik
Rational Functions with Partial Quotients of Small Degree in Their Continued Fraction Expansion. Harald Niederreiter — 1987 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Statistical Independence of Nonlinear Congruential Pseudorandom Numbers. Harald Niederreiter — 1988 Monatshefte für Mathematik
Applications des corps finis aux nombres pseudo-aléatoires Harald NIEDERREITER Seminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
The Serial Test for Pseudo-Random Numbers Generated by the Linear Congruential Method. Harald Niederreiter — 1985 Numerische Mathematik
Quantitative versions of a result of Hecke in the theory of uniform distribution mod 1 Harald Niederreiter — 1975 Acta Arithmetica
Low-discrepancy point sets obtained by digital constructions over finite fields Harald Niederreiter — 1992 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Diskrepanz in kompakten abelschen Gruppen I. Edmund Hlawka; Harald Niederreiter — 1969 Manuscripta mathematica
On Marsaglia's Lattice test for pseudorandom numbers. Harald Niederreiter; Jürgen Eichenauer — 1988 Manuscripta mathematica
Almost periodic functions and uniform distribution mod 1. Harald Niederreiter; J. Schoißengeier — 1977 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Optimal bounds for exponential sums in terms of discrepancy Harald Niederreiter; Józef Horbowicz — 1988 Colloquium Mathematicae
Kronecker-type sequences and nonarchimedean diophantine approximations Gerhard Larcher; Harald Niederreiter — 1993 Acta Arithmetica
On orthogonal systems and permutation polynomials in several variables R. Lidl; Harald Niederreiter — 1973 Acta Arithmetica
A construction of low-discrepancy sequences using global function fields Chaoping Xing; Harald Niederreiter — 1995 Acta Arithmetica