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Universal measure zero, large Hausdorff dimension, and nearly Lipschitz maps

Ondřej Zindulka — 2012

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that each analytic set in ℝⁿ contains a universally null set of the same Hausdorff dimension and that each metric space contains a universally null set of Hausdorff dimension no less than the topological dimension of the space. Similar results also hold for universally meager sets. An essential part of the construction involves an analysis of Lipschitz-like mappings of separable metric spaces onto Cantor cubes and self-similar sets.

Strong measure zero and meager-additive sets through the prism of fractal measures

Ondřej Zindulka — 2019

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We develop a theory of sharp measure zero sets that parallels Borel’s strong measure zero, and prove a theorem analogous to Galvin–Mycielski–Solovay theorem, namely that a set of reals has sharp measure zero if and only if it is meager-additive. Some consequences: A subset of 2 ω is meager-additive if and only if it is -additive; if f : 2 ω 2 ω is continuous and X is meager-additive, then so is f ( X ) .

A Cantor set in the plane that is not σ-monotone

Aleš NekvindaOndřej Zindulka — 2011

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A metric space (X,d) is monotone if there is a linear order < on X and a constant c such that d(x,y) ≤ cd(x,z) for all x < y < z in X, and σ-monotone if it is a countable union of monotone subspaces. A planar set homeomorphic to the Cantor set that is not σ-monotone is constructed and investigated. It follows that there is a metric on a Cantor set that is not σ-monotone. This answers a question raised by the second author.

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