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Curl bounds grad on SO(3)

Ingo MünchPatrizio Neff — 2008

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let F p GL ( 3 ) be the plastic deformation from the multiplicative decomposition in elasto-plasticity. We show that the geometric dislocation density tensor of Gurtin in the form Curl [ F p ] · ( F p ) T applied to rotations controls the gradient in the sense that pointwise R C 1 ( 3 , SO ( 3 ) ) : Curl [ R ] · R T 𝕄 3 × 3 2 1 2 D R 27 2 . This result complements rigidity results [Friesecke, James and Müller, Comme Pure Appl. Math. 55 (2002) 1461–1506; John, Comme Pure Appl. Math. 14 (1961) 391–413; Reshetnyak, Siberian Math. J. 8 (1967) 631–653)] as well as an associated linearized theorem...

Curl bounds Grad on SO(3)

Patrizio NeffIngo Münch — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let F p GL ( 3 ) be the plastic deformation from the multiplicative decomposition in elasto-plasticity. We show that the geometric dislocation density tensor of Gurtin in the form Curl [ F p ] · ( F p ) T applied to rotations controls the gradient in the sense that pointwise R C 1 ( 3 , SO ( 3 ) ) : Curl [ R ] · R T 𝕄 3 × 3 2 1 2 D R 27 2 . This result complements rigidity results [Friesecke, James and Müller, (2002) 1461–1506; John, (1961) 391–413; Reshetnyak, (1967) 631–653)] as well as an associated linearized theorem saying that A C 1 ( 3 , 𝔰𝔬 ( 3 ) ) : Curl [ A ] 𝕄 3 × 3 2 1 2 D A 27 2 = axl [ A ] 9 2 .

FETI-DP domain decomposition methods for elasticity with structural changes: P-elasticity

Axel KlawonnPatrizio NeffOliver RheinbachStefanie Vanis — 2011

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider linear elliptic systems which arise in coupled elastic continuum mechanical models. In these systems, the strain tensor := sym ( ∇) is redefined to include a matrix valued inhomogeneity () which cannot be described by a space dependent fourth order elasticity tensor. Such systems arise naturally in geometrically exact plasticity or in problems with eigenstresses. The tensor field induces a structural change of the elasticity equations. For such a model...

FETI-DP domain decomposition methods for elasticity with structural changes: -elasticity

Axel KlawonnPatrizio NeffOliver RheinbachStefanie Vanis — 2011

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider linear elliptic systems which arise in coupled elastic continuum mechanical models. In these systems, the strain tensor := sym ( ∇) is redefined to include a matrix valued inhomogeneity () which cannot be described by a space dependent fourth order elasticity tensor. Such systems arise naturally in geometrically exact plasticity or in problems with eigenstresses. The tensor field induces a structural change of the elasticity equations. For such a model...

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