Controlling nonuniqueness of local invariant manifolds. Pavol Brunovsky — 1994 Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Topologická klasifikácia diferenciálnych rovníc a štrukturálna stabilita Pavol Brunovský — 1973 Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie
On the best stabilizing control under a given class of perturbations Pavol Brunovský — 1965 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A condition of the existence of an universal best ε -stabilizing control Pavol Brunovský — 1965 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
On the optimal stabilization of nonlinear systems Pavol Brunovský — 1968 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Generic properties of the rotation number of one-parameter diffeomorphisms of the circle Pavol Brunovský — 1974 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
On one-parameter families of diffeomorphisms Pavol Brunovský — 1970 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
On one-parameter families of diffeomorphisms. II: Generic branching in higher dimensions Pavol Brunovský — 1971 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Об аналитическом конструировании регуляторов с неквадратическим минимизируемым функционалом Pavol Brunovský — 1965 Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
A “bang-bang” principle in the problem of ε -stabilization of linear control systems Pavol Brunovský — 1966 Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
Completing linear differential games by state dependent strategies Pavol Brunovský — 1974 Kybernetika
Über das schnellste Suchen eines Punktes auf einer Linie Pavol Brunovský — 1966 Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis
Scorza-Dragoni's Theorem for Unbounded Set-Valued Functions and its Applications to Control Problems Pavol Brunovský — 1970 Matematický časopis
Every normal linear system has a regular time-optimal synthesis Pavol Brunovský — 1978 Mathematica Slovaca
Two corrections and a remark regarding my paper "Every normal linear system has a regular time-optimal synthesis" Pavol Brunovský — 1979 Mathematica Slovaca