We consider words coding exchange of three intervals with
permutation (3,2,1), here called 3iet words. Recently, a
characterization of substitution invariant 3iet words was
provided. We study the opposite question: what are the morphisms
fixing a 3iet word? We reveal a narrow connection of such
morphisms and morphisms fixing Sturmian words using the new notion
of amicability.
A simple Parry number is a real number such that the Rényi expansion of is finite, of the form . We study the palindromic structure of infinite aperiodic words that are the fixed point of a substitution associated with a simple Parry number . It is shown that the word contains infinitely many palindromes if and only if . Numbers satisfying this condition are the so-called Pisot numbers. If then is an Arnoux-Rauzy word. We show that if is a confluent Pisot number then , where...
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