An ideal of N-tuples of operators is a class invariant with respect to unitary equivalence which contains direct sums of arbitrary collections of its members as well as their (reduced) parts. New decomposition theorems (with respect to ideals) for N-tuples of closed densely defined linear operators acting in a common (arbitrary) Hilbert space are presented. Algebraic and order (with respect to containment) properties of the class of all unitary equivalence classes of such N-tuples are established...
It is shown that if Ω = Q or Ω = ℓ 2, then there exists a functor of extension of maps between Z-sets in Ω to mappings of Ω into itself. This functor transforms homeomorphisms into homeomorphisms, thus giving a functorial setting to a well-known theorem of Anderson [Anderson R.D., On topological infinite deficiency, Michigan Math. J., 1967, 14, 365–383]. It also preserves convergence of sequences of mappings, both pointwise and uniform on compact sets, and supremum distances as well as uniform continuity,...
Sets of bounded linear operators , ⊂ ℬ(H) (ℋ is a Hilbert space) are similar if there exists an invertible (in ℬ(H)) operator G such that . A bounded operator is scalar if it is similar to a normal operator. is jointly scalar if there exists a set ⊂ ℬ(H) of normal operators such that and are similar. is separately scalar if all its elements are scalar. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for joint scalarity of a separately scalar abelian set of Hilbert space operators are presented (Theorems...
For a metrizable space X and a finite measure space (Ω, , µ), the space M µ(X) of all equivalence classes (under the relation of equality almost everywhere mod µ) of -measurable functions from Ω to X, whose images are separable, equipped with the topology of convergence in measure, and some of its subspaces are studied. In particular, it is shown that M µ(X) is homeomorphic to a Hilbert space provided µ is (nonzero) nonatomic and X is completely metrizable and has more than one point.
It is proved (independently of the result of Holmes [Fund. Math. 140 (1992)]) that the dual space of the uniform closure of the linear span of the maps x ↦ d(x,a) - d(x,b), where d is the metric of the Urysohn space of diameter r, is (isometrically if r = +∞) isomorphic to the space of equivalence classes of all real-valued Lipschitz maps on . The space of all signed (real-valued) Borel measures on is isometrically embedded in the dual space of and it is shown that the image of the embedding...
Certain results on extending maps taking values in Hilbert manifolds by maps which are close to being embeddings are presented. Sufficient conditions on a map under which it is extendable by an embedding are given. In particular, it is shown that if X is a completely metrizable space of topological weight not greater than α ≥ ℵ₀, A is a closed set in X and f: X → M is a map into a manifold M modelled on a Hilbert space of dimension α such that , then for every open cover of M there is a map g:...
For a linear operator T in a Banach space let denote the point spectrum of T, let for finite n > 0 be the set of all such that dim ker(T - λ) = n and let be the set of all for which ker(T - λ) is infinite-dimensional. It is shown that is , is and for each finite n the set is the intersection of an set and a set provided T is closable and the domain of T is separable and weakly σ-compact. For closed densely defined operators in a separable Hilbert space a more detailed decomposition...
A topological space Y is said to have (AEEP) if the following condition is satisfied: Whenever (X,) is a measurable space and f,g: X → Y are two measurable functions, then the set Δ(f,g) = x ∈ X: f(x) = g(x) is a member of . It is shown that a metrizable space Y has (AEEP) iff the cardinality of Y is not greater than .
The aim of the paper is to prove that the bounded and unbounded Urysohn universal spaces have unique (up to isometric isomorphism) structures of metric groups of exponent 2. An algebraic-geometric characterization of Boolean Urysohn spaces (i.e. metric groups of exponent 2 which are metrically Urysohn spaces) is given.
A subset of a metric space is central iff for every Katětov map upper bounded by the diameter of and any finite subset of there is such that for each . Central subsets of the Urysohn universal space (see introduction) are studied. It is proved that a metric space is isometrically embeddable into as a central set iff has the collinearity property. The Katětov maps of the real line are characterized.
The aim of the paper is to prove that in the unbounded Urysohn universal space there is a functor of extension of -isometric maps (i.e. dilations) between central subsets of to -isometric maps acting on the whole space. Special properties of the functor are established. It is also shown that the multiplicative group acts continuously on by -isometries.
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