* This paper was supported in part by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Science and Technologies under contract MM-506/95.
The main results of the paper are:
Theorem 1. Let a Banach space E be decomposed into a direct sum of
separable and reflexive subspaces. Then for every Hausdorff locally convex
topological vector space Z and for every linear continuous bijective operator
T : E → Z, the inverse T^(−1) is a Borel map.
Theorem 2. Let us assume the continuum hypothesis. If a Banach...
In this note we show that if the ratio of the minimal volume V of n-dimensional parallelepipeds containing the unit ball of an n-dimensional real normed space X to the maximal volume v of n-dimensional crosspolytopes inscribed in this ball is equal to n!, then the relation of orthogonality in X is symmetric. Hence we deduce the following properties: (i) if V/v=n! and if n>2, then X is an inner product space; (ii) in every finite-dimensional normed space there exist at least two different Auerbach...
We comment on a problem of Mazur from “The Scottish Book" concerning second partial derivatives. We prove that if a function f(x,y) of real variables defined on a rectangle has continuous derivative with respect to y and for almost all y the function has finite variation, then almost everywhere on the rectangle the partial derivative exists. We construct a separately twice differentiable function whose partial derivative is discontinuous with respect to the second variable on a set of positive...
Answering a question of Halbeisen we prove (by two different methods) that the algebraic dimension of each infinite-dimensional complete linear metric space X equals the size of X. A topological method gives a bit more: the algebraic dimension of a linear metric space X equals |X| provided the hyperspace K(X) of compact subsets of X is a Baire space. Studying the interplay between Baire properties of a linear metric space X and its hyperspace, we construct a hereditarily Baire linear metric space...
In this short note we give a negative answer to a question of Argyros, Castillo, Granero, Jiménez and Moreno concerning Banach spaces which contain complemented and uncomplemented subspaces isomorphic to c.
Does a given Banach space have any non-trivial complemented subspaces? Usually, the answer is: yes, quite a lot. Sometimes the answer is: no, none at all.
We investigate various kinds of bases in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces. In particular, we consider the complexity of Hamel bases in separable and non-separable Banach spaces and show that in a separable Banach space a Hamel basis cannot be analytic, whereas there are non-separable Hilbert spaces which have a discrete and closed Hamel basis. Further we investigate the existence of certain complete minimal systems in as well as in separable Banach spaces.
We find conditions for a smooth nonlinear map f: U → V between open subsets of Hilbert or Banach spaces to be locally convex in the sense that for some c and each positive ɛ < c the image f(B ɛ(x)) of each ɛ-ball B ɛ(x) ⊂ U is convex. We give a lower bound on c via the second order Lipschitz constant Lip2(f), the Lipschitz-open constant Lipo(f) of f, and the 2-convexity number conv2(X) of the Banach space X.
Sea T un operador lineal acotado e inyectivo de un espacio de Banach X en un espacio de Hilbert H con rango denso y sea {x} ⊂ X una sucesión tal que {Tx} es ortogonal. Se estudian propiedades de {Tx} dependientes de propiedades de {x}. También se estudia la ""situación opuesta"", es decir, la acción de un operador T : H → X sobre sucesiones ortogonales.
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